Thursday, May 1, 2008


Busy, busy, busy… that seems to be the word of the times! Well, I have to say I thought I would be somewhat exempt from this “lifestyle” coming to ministry at a camp. I guess my expectation was that in five years, I should have figured it out by now… come on, ministry… at a camp… I should be able to figure out how to slow down and live a simple life! I give up. Lord, I surrender my effort to “figure this out.”

You are now my witness. I confess to you as I confess to the Lord. I cannot do it. I know it’s cultural and it’s ingrained in my bones. I cannot do it.

Now what? I guess I will continue to get up each day and do what I can…

1 comment:

Deedra said...

I love you Russ! I think you are doing a great job! And we get to live at camp!! How cool is that?