Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mission, part deux

A quote from John Fischer's FischTank devo today... I thought it was relevant to my post, so here it is:

Timothy Dudley-Smith wrote in his biography of John Stott: "To those who know and meet him, respect and affection go hand in hand. The world-figure is lost in personal friendship, disarming interest, unfeigned humility—and a dash of mischievous humor and charm. By contrast, he thinks of himself, as all Christians should but few of us achieve, as simply a beloved child of a heavenly Father; an unworthy servant of his friend and master, Jesus Christ; a sinner saved by grace to the glory and praise of God."

I bet a few people got a glimpse of our Savior being around this guy :) I wonder what his mission statement or long range plan was?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Planning is such a tortous thing. Abe Lincoln said that most people will do most anything to avoid the ardous task of planning. So, to begin with, you are "different" in that you like to do it!
I was reminded this week that I need to be preparing, not planning. God has a plan and will work His plan. I want to be prepared for what He is planning to do in and around my life.
My "mission" is written in Philippians 3.
Let the brain cycles continue.
Papa Rex