Thursday, January 24, 2008

Planning (again)

Okay, I know I am a planner. But January is "supposed to be" a planning month. It's a new beginning, a fresh start, a time to recommit and resolve anew... to do what? That has been my struggle of late. I understand planning for our family. Deedra and I went away for another great weekend planning adventure. We loved it! We discussed and assessed our family, marriage, personal, community, kids, homeschooling, etc. and set some specific goals to work toward this year. I understand business (or ministry operations, as is my case) planning. We have to work from a budget and have a plan for what we are doing this year.

But, long range... what am I to be about? I love that I am a part of New Life Ranch. I think/feel/hope that I am part of something bigger than me -- something of eternal value. It just makes a bunch more sense to pour my time and energy into this ministry than into setting up a data system so a few people are more efficient (or whatever). But I still feel like I need a more definite long-term plan... an understanding of why I do what I am doing... that what I am doing really matters... a purpose!

I am not a big "Purpose Driven Life" guy, although I agree with the concept (I never finished the book - confession time!) but I guess I don't like the fanfare and "bandwagon" following... I am a bit of a contrarian like that, just ask my mom or my wife. They might call me a cynic, but since I am writing this, I'll pick my own words. :)

But I do think that's what I am talking about: purpose or intentionality. In Sunday school, we are watching a video presentation of John Piper's "Don't Waste Your Life." It has been very thought-provoking and stimulating lots of brain cycles for me. (That's geek speak for "I have been thinking about it") In it, Piper talks about not wasting your time pursuing things that are not of Christ. That our goal is to glorify God and reflect Christ to our world - whatever that may be. He simply said that we should live our lives in such a way that others might see Christ. Sounds like a pretty good "mission statement" to me: I want to intentionally live my life so that others may get a glimpse of Christ. What do you think?

1 comment:

Claire and Ellie's Mommy said...

Contrarians Unite! Great thoughts, Bro. Thanks for your means I don't have to think as hard. =)

Love you!