Saturday, September 15, 2007


Fall is upon us. We survived the Graduation Celextravagala! It was a great time and it was good to see everyone. We also went to a wedding in Annapolis this month. It was Deedra's cousin who got married - to a great gal, I might add. It was a great time with family... check out Ryan's blog -- he has some great pictures (I don't have a digital camera, but all my kids do! :)

Camped out with the boys last night and cut wood this morning...what a great day! But now my back hurts :( oh well, I'll take the aching back - another sign of maturity :)

I am using a lot of :) and :( -- I guess I am kind of melancholy today.

Time to get strategic. Told someone this week that I feel like I'm in a bit of rut. We have several strategic planning sessions coming up this month and next. Pray that I get out of the rut, so I can help lead our teams to be focused and strategic. God doesn't need it or require it, but I want to do well, don't you? Have a blessed day.

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